domingo, 3 de maio de 2020

Lula's speech on First of May


"My friends, workers from Brasil and the world, I would like to begin my speech paying solidarity to the familiars of all the victims of coronavirus, and to all the workers who are fighting to save lives all around the world. 

An unknown virus managed to close borders, lock more than 3 billion human beings inside their homes and dramatically change the lives of each one of us. In the last three months, we've been feeling like we are in a long, endless, tunnel, receiving in each day news worse than the ones from the day before. Humanity awakens every day hoping that today's death toll will be less than yesterday's. We are living the darkest days of our history.

The virus, which attacks everyone indistinctively, has shown that the human race is not immortal, and might even disappear. Nevertheless, history teaches us that great tragedies are usually bringers/midwives (parteiras) of great transformations. 

What we hope, what I hope, is that the world which will come after the coronavirus will be a universal comunity. And that men and women, in harmony with nature, will be the center of all.  And that economy and tecnology will be in service of them and not otherwise, as it has been until today. In the world I hope, after the coronavirus tragedy, the colective will triumph over the individual. Solidarity and generosity shall triumph over profit. A world where no one exploits anyone's labor, a world where the differences between one and other are respected. A world in which all, absolutely all, have the means to emancipate themselves from any kind of domination or control. 

But the great tragedies are also revealing of the true character of people and things. I'm not referring only to the debauchery/contempt/disregard from the president of the Republic about the memory of five thousand brazilians killed by covid-19. The pandemic has left capitalism naked. It took three hundred-thousand dead bodies for humanity to see a truth that we, workers, have known since the day we were born. The corovirus tragedy exposed to sunlight an unquestionable truth: what supports capitalism is not capital, it is us, the workers. It is this truth, our old acquaintance, which has been leading the world's leading economic newspapers, the bibles of the economic elite, to anounce that capitalism is coming to its end. And it really is. It is dying. And it is in our hands, in the hands of the workers, the task to build this new world that is coming around. 

Brasil has always been a land of hopes. In spite of the extreme difficulties, we, who were born and live here, have known how to face them and have known how to reinvent ourselves to thrive. Hate and ignorante feed on each-other. And they are the opposite of what goes in the brazilian soul. As a brazilian, I am sure that we will get out of this tragedy into a better world, into a better Brasil. And it is now, in the middle of a storm, that brazilians reveal what they are, what we are: generous, tolerant, supportive. And it is with this spirit, this joy and this criativity, that we are all fighting to escape darkness and reach, as fast as possible, the dawn of social justice, equality and freedom. 

I hope that the tragedy of the coronavirus will be the bringer/midwife of the new world which we all dream of. Long live the working class/people! Cheers the First of May!"

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